デフォルトだとSystem.IO.Portで怒られるので下記を参考に.Net 2.0にビルド設定を変えておいてください。
error CS0234: The type or namespace name `Ports' does not exist in the namespace `System.IO'
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.IO.Ports; public class SerialReceiver : MonoBehaviour { private static SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("COM3", 9600); // Use this for initialization void Start () { OpenConnection(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { Debug.Log("Send message " + Input.mousePosition.x); sp.Write(Input.mousePosition.x.ToString() + "\0"); } } void OnApplicationQuit() { sp.Close(); } void OpenConnection() { if(sp != null) { if(sp.IsOpen) { sp.Close(); Debug.LogError("Failed to open Serial Port, already open!"); } else { sp.Open(); sp.ReadTimeout = 50; Debug.Log("Open Serial port"); } } } }
#include <Servo.h> Servo servo; char buffer[5]; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); servo.attach(3); } void loop(){ int i = 0; while(1) { if(Serial.available()) { buffer[i] = Serial.read(); if(buffer[i] == '\0') { servo.write(atoi(buffer)); break; } i++; } } }